Monday 26 March 2012

Internal Struggles of a Vampire: A Response

          Like Stratis, I have never read one page of the Twilight series, but I have watched every movie, and am up to date with the fourth film. I’m not a Twi-hard, and I don’t wait overnight at the theatres to get the best seat for opening night. I do though enjoy the movies for comic relief, and maybe to get a glimpse of Taylor Lautner rock hard abs. But that’s another topic to be spoken about.

            Again, I agree with Stratis when he says that he went into the theatre “assum[ing] that Edward Cullen was an evil vampire and his family had come to Forks to wreak havoc upon the townspeople.” I expected a lot of blood and some crazy CGI effects, but no, it was about a love story between a vampire and a regular girl (who according to our Professor are images of a Mormon relationship).

   Edward Cullen is the struggling, redemptive vampire with morals. Like Stefan Salvatore from my last post, Edward only feeds on animals, and struggles to do so. They both have conflicting feelings when it comes to their loves; Edward has Bella, and Stefan has Elena. As Stratis states, “[Edward] is at first attracted to her blood…fights his growing desire to attack her.”

    What I particularly enjoyed about Stratis’ post was the last paragraph about showing the audience about relationships and how you have to give and get, fight for what you want even if its hard. I do believe in this, not only in relationships, but also in Christianity. A person can believe in God, but in order to reap the benefits of His world, you have to devote yourself to Him, and you may sin along the way, but there is always forgiveness and mercy. Mercy for the weaker; that being monsters. 

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